Friday, October 12, 2018

new vs old....

New games such as spiderman have advanced graphics and more complex controls as well as dynamic physics and mechanics but are they harder than classic games? Using examples from games we played in class tell me why new games are or are not harder than old games.


  1. New game are not harder than old games old games were based on skill more than graphics.

  2. Newer video games are harder in some ways but easier in others. The 8-bit side scrollers had simple graphics and controls, but in two dimensions it is quite difficult to evade enemies and other dangers. Three-dimensional new games have a very different way to play. While the controls must by design be more complex, we humans are used to moving in a three-dimensional, high-definition universe, so that is not the source of the difficulty. Just as with older "classic" games, the degree of difficulty is built into the design and objective.

  3. In the past, I think games were far more skill based,
    e.g. reaction time and maneuvering. High scores then were solely based off of skill, rather than hours played grinding like most games today. Games now catering to the generations that want instant reward without much work. giving achievements for grinding and/or persistence in game

  4. I think that it can go both ways. Some games (like dark souls) can be a lot harder than older games. Something to keep in mind is that most games can be adjusted to be as hard as you want it to be, so rating the overall difficulty of a game can be hard when you have full control over the difficulty. Another thing is that people in general weren't as much adjusted or have the muscle memory with controllers like people do now, so when you think back on an old game as hard you might be able to go back and find it easy.
