Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Nonlinear narratives don't follow rules of space and time.

A linear narrative starts at the beginning and reveals each detail as it each occurs in space and time.

A happened, then B, then C, and finally D.
Nonlinear narratives don't follow rules of space and time. They can start and end at anytime in the trajectory of the plotline.

C is described first, followed by A, B, and then D.
D starts, followed by A, then jumps back to C, and ends with B.
The movies Memento, Waking Life and the television show Lost and episodes of Sherlock are great examples of nonlinear storytelling. Slaughterhouse Five and Fight Club are great literary examples of nonlinear narration. Adding an element of agency and choice to the reader makes it interactive. 

Question: Why or why not in the 21st century are nonlinear and or interactive storytelling so popular and effective?

Please write at least one paragraph and include an image.

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